Bike routes

To our cyclist friends we suggest different bike routes. The wide variety of landscapes and their interweaving between plains, hills and mountains make the trails very interesting and stimulating.

Itinerary 1 – On Route of Prosecco from Conegliano to Valdobbiadene

An exciting ‘full-immersion’ in the heart and soul of the Treviso Hills.
A ring for all seasons, with endless shades of colours, lights and scents.
An easy and quiet path, yet offering an extraordinary cycling enjoyment.

It is definitely the first itinerary to cover to know these hills, but it is not a ‘one-time’ route, as it must be repeated in all seasons because it offers opportunities to admire spots of overwhelming beauty and incredible emotions.

What we propose you is a double-face itinerary that can be undertaken indifferently, either from Conegliano or from Valdobbiadene, and deserves to be ridden along again covering the same itinerary on your way back. In so doing, while riding your bike, you do not run the risk of seeing again what you already saw on your outward trip: the overall difficulty is the same, but the perceptions, the views of the hills and the cycling difficulties are completely different.

Here you are an overview of the towns touched by the route: Conegliano, Rua di Feletto, San Pietro di Feletto, Refrontolo, Pieve di Soligo, Soligo, Farra di Soligo, Col San Martino, Guia, Santo Stefano di Valdobbiadene, Valdobbiadene.

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Return route: from Valdobbiadene to Conegliano

From Santo Stefano, at the end of the gentle slope from Valdobbiadene, we cross the hill at Combai and ride down to Miane. From there, we continue towards Rolle, going down along the valley of creek Lierza and ending up at Refrontolo, passing right in front of the Molinetto della Croda. The final stage is Conegliano.

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Hotel Eurorest –Piana del Cansiglio – Hotel Eurorest

You cannot miss the itinerary that leads into the green heart of the forest, also known under the name of the “Wood of the Dogi” because it has been exploited since the time of the Most Serene Republic of Venice, which here stocked up on timber to build its fleet. The track gradually plunges into the natural forest environment, allowing you to regenerate your mind and body as you enjoy the peace, the sounds of the woods and the scents of this virgin vegetation.

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Hotel Eurorest –Praderadego – San Boldo Pass – Belluno- Hotel Eurorest

From Hotel Eurorest go to Corbanese, Tarzo (as you reach the Praderadego Pass from Valmareno), then climb down towards Belluno. Go to Trichiana and from there start climbing the San Boldo Pass, which is a beautiful slope as for the landscape, and then return to Conegliano, passing through Fadalto and Vittorio Veneto.

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Ring trip from Conegliano through Pieve di Soligo, Follina, Revine Lago, Corbanese.

From Conegliano, head towards Pieve di Soligo, crossing Collalto and Barbisano. Three stops to keep in mind: a boundary stone on the road to Conegliano, a bas-relief at Solighetto, on the road to Refrontolo, and a monument at Soligo, on the road to Farra di Soligo. From Pieve di Soligo, ride up to Follina, a place well-known for its Cistercian Abbey. From Follina, passing through Cison di Valmareno and Tòvena, we will arrive at Lake Revine. Continue up to Revine where, at the foot of the Sanctuary, there is a cross. From there, go on riding along  the road to Vittorio Veneto, which leads back to Conegliano, passing through Longhere, Corbanese and the hills of Formeniga and Manzana.

Belluno- Treviso via Conegliano (105 km)
From Belluno, we go to Polpet (Ponte nelle Alpi, i.e. Bridge into the Alps) crossing the River Piave and reaching Càdola. Then we continue in the direction of Paiane, from where (in 9 km) we head towards to the Lake of Santa Croce (380 m). From the lake, in 5 km we climb the Sella di Fadalto, i.e. Fadalto Pass (490 m), and in 14 km of steep descent across the Lapisina Valley along the National Road SS51 we arrive in Vittorio Veneto (140 m). Remark: especially noteworthy are the natural park of the Lake of Santa Croce and the views of the Lapisina Valley, overlooked by the very high viaducts of the motorway A27 and dotted by the lakes of the River Meschio.

We access Vittorio Veneto from the historic village of Serravalle.

Coming from the south, the slope of the Lapisina Valley is 14 km long, including a stretch of 350 m with a gradient within 6%.

From Vittorio Veneto, along a hilly route passing through Ogliano, in 15 km we reach Conegliano (70 m), from where, crossing the River the Piave at Ponte della Priula, in 15 km we reach the hill of Montello at Nervesa della Battaglia. We then ride along Montello for 9 km up to Volpago, where we leave it to reach the plain that in 23 km, through Villorba, leads to Treviso.

Important note: The hill between Vittorio Veneto and Conegliano is a carpet of vineyards. You reach an altitude of 170 m asl with sweet slopes from Vittorio, a little steeper from Conegliano (with peaks of 8-9%). The pedemontana (piedmont route) of Montello is a charming green corridor running along the creek, from which many uphill roads start (the so-called “take-offs”, the cyclers’ paradise).