The Route of Prosecco

The Route of Prosecco

The Route of Prosecco and Wines of the Hills Conegliano Valdobbiadene was first traced out in 1966 and then revised in 2003 along with the addition of thematic routes that can enhance the territory in its many-sided historical and artistic aspects scattered all along the Prosecco hills.

The Route of Prosecco and Wines of the Hills Conegliano Valdobbiadene accompanies the visitors among vineyards, villages and countries, offering views and landscapes of a unique beauty, where they can breathe the flavour of the secular winemaking art of these lands. Additionally, there are a large number of wine bars, bistros and taverns that offer typical products and dishes of the local cuisine.


The main route is intended to evoke, as far as possible, the original track of the Road for its undeniable historical and cultural worth, though modifying the return route so as to give the visitor the opportunity to return travelling along a route other than the original one.

From Conegliano to Valdobbiadene, The Two Capitals of Prosecco DOC


There are three thematic routes that, all together, make up the new Route of Prosecco and Wines of the Hills Conegliano Valdobbiadene, to give the wine tourist the opportunity to get a deeper insight into some of the most significant aspects of the local history and culture.

  1.      The Collalto Feud
  2.      History and Culture between Serravalle and Follina
  3.      Torchiato di Fregona

THE MAIN RING: From Conegliano to Valdobbiadene, the two Capitals of Prosecco DOC

Our route ideally starts from Conegliano, namely from Hotel Eurorest.

From here, we head towards Collalbrigo, which offers lovely views over the surrounding hills, dotted with vineyards and small wooded bushes. Also interesting is the eighteenth-century villa Ghin Montalban.

We then continue in the direction of Rua di San Pietro di Feletto to reach San Pietro di Feletto.

The next stretch of road goes winding down to Refrontolo in a succession of picturesque views. From here, it is also advisable to make a detour to the Molinetto della Croda.

Once arrived at Solighetto, we discover the eighteenth-century Villa Brandolini, home of the Consortium of Prosecco DOC Conegliano Valdobbiadene. Not far from here, in Soligo, there is the little church of Santa Maria Nova, dating back – like its frescoes – to the fourteenth century. From here, it is possible to reach San Gallo, a hill from whose top you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the underlying Piave valley.

After going past Farra di Soligo, we arrive at Col San Martino, with its medieval Towers of Credazzo, a vestige of the Longobard presence, and the small Church of San Vigilio, located on the hills and reachable on foot.

Our journey continues towards what is considered to be the heart par excellence of the DOC area of Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene, i.e. the area of Cartizze, from which the sparkling wine of the same name is obtained.

From below, heading towards Follo and then climbing up again in the direction of Santo Stefano, we can admire some of the most beautiful landscapes of the hills of Prosecco DOC. Then, having driven past Santo Stefano and San Pietro di Barbozza, home to the Confraternity of Prosecco, we finally arrive in Valdobbiadene.
From Valdobbiadene, we then resume our journey head towards Guia.

We drive along the Provincial Road SP123 in the direction of Campea, immersed in a still well-preserved rural landscape. After crossing the Soligo River and driving past the Provincial Road SP4, at Pedeguarda we go up rapidly in altitude towards Farrò.

After leaving behind Arfanta, we drive on towards Tarzo and Corbanese and then Cozzuolo, Carpesica, and Ogliano, eventually finishing our trip in Conegliano returning to Hotel Eurorest.


The Collalto Feud 

The first route, which is also accessible on foot, crosses the territory of the ancient Feud of the House of Collalto, whose core is represented by the Castle of Susegana, one of the most imposing fortified buildings in the whole region, and by the Castle of Collalto, located a short distance away. A local legend has it that, in the grip of jealousy, Chiara da Camino, married to Rambaldo VIII of Collalto, walled alive the damsel Bianca of Collalto in one of the castle towers, and that in certain nights her ghost would still be wandering, among the ruins of the manor.

History and Culture between Serravalle and Follina

We leave from Hotel Eurorest, passing then through Rua and San Pietro di Feletto, and heading towards the Molinetto della Croda (an ancient water mill), in Refrontolo. We then climb up, heading towards Rolle and Farrò, to get back to Follina, where we cannot miss a visit to the extraordinary Cistercian Abbey, with its beautiful cloister, monastery and Basilica.

Climbing up from Follina to the east, we find the impressive CastelBrando, also known as the Brandolini Castle (from the family name of its Lords) overlooking the interesting Village of Cison di Valmarino, which allows following a cultural and historical itinerary called “La Via dei Mulini-Campomolino” (“The Route of Mills – Campomolino”), along which you can see mills, drinking troughs, remains of the old wash-house, cloth fulling mills and hammers that were concentrated between San Silvestro and Campomolino.

Driving on along the Valley, we find villages and architectural styles characterized by traditional features, such as Tovena, Santa Maria and Revine, until reaching the town of Vittorio Veneto.

What makes Vittorio Veneto one of the most picturesque centres in the province of Treviso are its history, art, landscape and climate. It was born in 1866 as a result of the union of two historic centres, namely Serravalle and Ceneda. Serravalle hosted renowned artists and painters such as Palma the Elder and Palma the Younger, Pordenone and also Titian.

The centre of Ceneda is dominated by the Castle of San Martino, but represented by Piazza Giovanni Paolo I, where the Cathedral and the Loggia del Cenedese rise.

In the area surrounding Vittorio Veneto there are many remarkable noteworthy artistic and environmental sites: in particular, the Grotte del Caglieron (Caglieron Caves) in Fregona and the Meschio springs. Within a few minutes’ drive from the town centre, you can reach the Cansiglio plateau, which houses a State-owned forest.

Returning to Follina, heading west, instead, we cross Miane and Combai, a location famous for its chestnut production, before joining at Guia the main ring of the Wine Route.

Torchiato di Fregona

Torchiato is one of the region’s oenological delicacies. For this reason, the Road has devoted an itinerary to its production area DOC, from Anzano to Fregona, Osigo, Mantaner, Cappella Maggiore and Sarmede.

Fregona is famous for the typical products of the surrounding mountain (dairy products, etc.) as well as for the valuable production of Torchiato DOC. Interesting are the elegant Villa Salvador, in baroque style, Villa Troyer and the charming and spectacular Caglieron Caves. To the north lies the Piana del Cansiglio, an extensive regional woodland area with significant naturalistic significance and a winter and summer tourist resort, with cross-country and downhill runs, a golf course and wonderful hiking, horseback riding or mountain biking trails.